Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Glimpse of Heaven

Yesterday a prayer team of 21 Austrians arrived to minister to us here in Musoma. Today I sat and listened to them introducing themselves in German and then heard the translation in Swahili. Although I didn't understand the German, it was amazing to hear a little of their stories and see how God brought them to this place. There were young women who have been praying for Africa for years, a new Christian coming to learn, a prayer warrior with lots of experience in spiritual warfare, a couple who has only been married 12 days, a university student whose parents did not want their only child traveling to Africa and many more. God brought these people together from all parts of Austria to a small town in Tanzania to pray. They have been praying for us for months and are here to pray with us for a week.

After the introductions a Tanzanian bishop shared a short message. He talked briefly about the importance of prayer and how heaven opens when we pray. As I looked around the room I realized I was already seeing heaven opening. God had brought us from all different places for different reasons and only by his incredible power would it be possible to have such a diverse group worshiping Him in one room. Old and young, men and women, North Americans, Europeans and Africans, we couldn't have been more different. Yet we sang together, prayed together and shared together. Only the hand of God could accomplish that and He has only begun. He brought us together and now He wants to use us to display his glory in ways we don't even realize.

In that room this morning I caught a glimpse of heaven. I caught a glimpse of how it will be one day when people from every nation, every language group will be united by our love for Jesus and will worship Him forever.

1 comment:

elvira said...

Thanks for this post , Rachel. Wonderful picture of heaven! Funny that you speak these other languages and not German too, since your Mom spoke German as a young girl!